Civic Engagement

Empowering Communities through Civic Engagement

Mizzou gives you the opportunity to develop your leadership skills to create change on campus and beyond. Civic engagement enables Tigers to speak up, learn from one another and share student perspectives with leaders.

Student shaking hand of politician.

Associated Students of the University of Missouri (ASUM) 

ASUM advocates and represents students with Missouri lawmakers and Mizzou administrators. By tackling issues like funding for higher education, mental health initiatives, college affordability and more, ASUM empowers change across all of University of Missouri campuses.

Tiger statue with Vote sticker.

Vote Mizzou

VoteMizzou seeks to make sure every eligible Tiger is registered, informed and ready to go to the polls for campus, local, state and national elections.

ASUM students meeting policitian.

Civic Leaders Internship Program (CLIP)

The CLIP is a unique, personalized experience for Mizzou undergraduates interested in serving the state of Missouri through internship opportunities in publicly funded offices, including the offices of state representatives, senators, attorney general, lieutenant governor and governor.

Students at Kinder institute event.

Kinder Institute

The Kinder Institute on Constitutional Democracy is an interdisciplinary, signature academic center on the University of Missouri campus in Columbia, jointly operated by faculty from the Political Science and History Departments, in cooperation with other scholars across campus.