ORG Funding

Managing an active, successful student organization can be very expensive. Hosting events, taking trips, and keeping your organization running all cost money. ORG has compiled the following resources that may be able to help reduce this burden.


2024–2025 Budget Deadlines

All organizations must apply for funding within specific deadlines. The applications for funding are open on MU Engage two weeks before the budget deadlines listed below.

Sept. 6
  • Travel beginning Oct. 7, 2024-Dec. 31, 2024
  • Operations and Events happening between Oct. 7, 2024-June 30, 2025
  • Oct. 4
  • Travel beginning Nov. 4, 2024-Feb. 28, 2025
  • Operations and Events happening between Nov. 4, 2024-June 30, 2025
  • Nov. 1
  • Travel beginning Dec. 9, 2024-June 30, 2025
  • Operations and Events happening between Jan. 1, 2025-June 30, 2025
  • Feb. 7
  • Travel beginning March 10, 2025-June 30, 2025
  • Operations and Events happening between March 8, 2024-June 30, 2025
  • March 7
  • Travel beginning April 14, 2025-June 30, 2025
  • Operations and Events happening between April 14, 2024-June 30, 2025
  • April 11
  • Travel beginning July 1, 2025-Nov. 15, 2025
  • Operations and Events happening between July 1, 2024-June 30, 2026

  • To be eligible for ORG funding, Recognized Student Organizations (RSOs) must be in good standing for the academic year:

    • Complete ORG’s annual Administrative Training
    • Attend Finance Training
    • Re-register the organization’s Engage page

    Recognized Student Organizations are eligible for ORG funding, with the following exceptions:

    • Social fraternities or sororities (Interfraternity Council and Panhellenic Association).
    • Single gender organizations (recognized by IRS section 501 (c) (7)).
    • Club Sports recognized by the Mizzou Club Sports Federation.
    • Organizations that already receive student activity fee funds.
    • Recognized student organizations within 16 weeks of their initial recognition date with the University.

    *It is recommended that the organization’s fiscal contact attends Finance Training, so they are familiar with the processes the organization will need to perform.

    Student organizations that are eligible for funding can submit budget requests to ORG in one of these categories:

    Travel Funding

    Travel Funding covers the cost for events, conferences, or competitions that directly relate to a student organization and can be applied to:

    • Transportation (Airfare or Mileage)
    • Lodging
    • Registration
    Travel Funding Policies
    • For funds allocated during the 2024 Fiscal Year (July 1 to June 30), organizations may only receive up to $4000.
    • Funding will not be allocated to non-MU students.
    • Only one form of travel will be funded, this means only travel to and from the location. Travel funds cannot be used to cover metro cards, taxi fare, or parking fees.

    Operations and Events Funding

    “Operations” Funding covers operating costs to student organizations, this can include: copies, advertising, and on-campus equipment rental fees.

    Things NOT covered by “Operations” Funding include:

    • Membership dues
    • Personalized items (name tags, business cards, apparel)
    • Food
    • Equipment and supplies

    “Events” Funding can cover the following expenses:

    • Bring guest speakers/artists/performers to campus
    • Services such as rentals, technology, interpreters, etc.
    • Request funds for experiential education opportunities like Venture Out

    If requesting funds for Venture Out services, organizations must provide:

    • Name of Workshop they want to attend,
    • Names and Student ID numbers for participants,
    • Explanation of why this activity will benefit the organization.

    More “Operations and Events” information can be found in the Guidelines for Recognized Student Organizations.

    ORG provides a set amount of funding to Recognized Student Organizations. To apply for funding, student organizations must submit budget requests at various times throughout the year. While we are happy to provide this resource to our organizations, an organization should never consider ORG its primary funding source. Our funding levels are always subject to change, and we’re limited by the large number of student organizations requesting assistance.

    An organization also needs to plan ahead to receive ORG funding — we only accept budgets during specific periods throughout the academic year. See this year’s budget deadlines. Generally, our budget deadlines run a semester in advance; i.e., if you want funding for the spring semester, you must apply during the fall.

    All ORG funds must be applied for in advance–that is, an organization can’t spend money on an event or item, and then apply for ORG funds to pay for it.

    If an organization is interested in receiving ORG funding, it will need to submit a budget request. The budget request submissions are located on each organization’s Engage page, under the “Finance” tab, click on the blue button labeled “Create Request, and choose the option labeled “Budget Request”. Each type of request has a different form that will ask for specific information about the funds the organization is requesting and how they will benefit the organization. An organization must also provide independent documentation for all expenses. If an organization has questions about how to fill out the budget request contact ORG.

    The completed budget request must be submitted during a specific budget deadline. All deadlines are on Fridays at 5 p.m., and late budgets are never accepted. All requests must be submitted through the Engage budget request portal; emailed budgets will not be accepted.  We begin accepting budgets on the Monday two weeks prior to the deadline at 8 a.m. . The ORG staff is happy to look over any budget if a member of the organization stops by earlier during a budget week–this will give the organization time to make any necessary changes before the deadline. We also recommend that the fiscal contact submit the budget themselves, so they can receive the submission confirmation email and ensure that the request is accurate.

    Once an organization submits a budget by the appropriate deadline, it will go to the Student Organization Allocation Committee (SOAC).  SOAC will evaluate the budget and make funding decisions, which must be approved by the Dean of Students.  The organization will be notified of its allocation two weeks after the budget deadline, and it will have an opportunity to appeal if there were any comments that need to be addressed.

    All budget requests will receive a written memo stating whether the request was approved or denied two weeks after the application deadline. In some instances, a budget request may be denied by SOAC for a few reasons: the organization may not be in good standing, the committee may have needed clarification on the request, or it might have been missing documentation. Any denials are explained on the allocation memo.

    If the organization would like to appeal its denial, it should submit the appeal form on Engage (which will be sent to you with your original budget notification), and attach any other documentation that was requested. After receiving an initial budget memo, the organization will have one week to submit an appeal for the budget by Friday at 5 pm. No late appeals will be considered. This one-time appeal is an organization’s only option to challenge a decision within a budget memo.

    Who Approves ORG Funding?

    The Student Organization Allocation Committee (SOAC) is a viewpoint-neutral student group responsible for the allocation of funds to recognized student organizations. This committee is comprised of students who are enrolled at the University of Missouri, with partial representation from the Missouri Students Association (MSA) and the Graduate Professional Council (GPC).

    Spending Allocated Funds

    With the exception of travel, an organization should never spend money first and then come to ORG for reimbursement. See below for information on how to receive any funds an organization was allocated.


    If an organization has been allocated money for copies or printing, they will need to fill out this form. Once the form has been filled out the Organization Resource Group will work with Printing Services and the student organization to fulfill the order.

    Mizzou Student Media Advertisements

    If an organization has been allocated funds to place an approved ad with the Maneater student newspaper or KCOU student organizations should fill out this form.

    MU Infos

    If an organization has been allocated funds for an announcement in the MU Info, it must fill out the MU Info Request Form on Engage. These forms will be reviewed by the ORG Vice Chair of Finance to ensure they meet guidelines, and then ORG will submit them for publication. All MU Info requests should be submitted on Engage by the Thursday before the desired publication date. This deadline ensures that the announcement will be accepted by MU Info for publication.

    All Recognized Student Organizations are separate legal entities from the University of Missouri and are therefore not eligible to claim the University’s tax exempt status. Organizations may apply for 501(c)3 tax exemption on its own. The Organization Resource Group (ORG) strongly encourages Recognized Student Organizations wishing to file as a 501(c)3 to fully research the steps and requirements associated with process. As a reminder, the Division of Student Affairs and ORG cannot provide tax advice. If an organization wishes to seek status as a 501(c)3 organization, we encourage the organization to discuss its tax situation with a tax adviser. ORG holds seminars with a Certified Public Accountant multiple times a year to discuss how organizations can apply for 501(c)3 status. Please consult ORG’S Event Calendar for dates of these seminars.

    Other Sources of Funding

    With more than 600 recognized student organizations, it’s impossible for ORG funding to cover every expense. Student organizations are expected to generate funding on their own through fundraising, collecting dues or applying for other monies on campus. Some organizations may be able to seek funding from the Student Fee Capital Improvement Committee (SFCIC), which funds large, one-time projects. Others may be able to apply for a grant from the Diversity Fee or even seek outside sponsorship. Learn more about fundraising and event planning.

    The Discretionary Fee allows undergraduate/graduate organizations who are interested in planning an event or program designed to promote inclusive engagement to apply for funds for their program or event. Organizations who submit a detailed event or program description and outline, along with a detailed itemized budget are potentially able to be awarded funding. Applications are due per semester.

    Organizations will go through Student Resource Centers for procedures to access funding and will not be able to be reimbursed for any purchases.

    Important information for organizations applying to know:

    • Recognized Student Organizations applying must be in good standing with ORG.
    • Event/program will or should further efforts of inclusive engagement at Mizzou.
    • Event/program is not also funded through ORG.
    • Event/program is not also funded through the Legion of Black Collegians, Asian American Association, Association of Latin@ American Students, or Queer Liberation Front.
    • Your event does not occur before the notification of award approval.

    Please email us to apply.

    • Group Funding
      • Goal: Fund events organized by graduate and professional student organizations
      • Events with a limited or restricted audience (graduate department organizations or graduate centered organizations) are eligible for up to $250.
      • Events open to all graduate and professional students (that could interest a broad audience) are eligible for up to $600.
      • More information about eligibility, application process and reimbursement criteria can be found at the GPC website.
    • Conference Presentation Travel Awards (CPTA)
      • Goal: To assist MU graduate and professional students who are representing the University of Missouri by presenting research papers, posters, or creative works at conferences.
      • This academic year, GPC will give out around $72,000 in conference presentation travel awards to MU graduate and professional students.
      • Maximum amount awarded: $600.
      • Apply via GPC MU Engage page. More information about eligibility, application and reimbursement criteria can be found at the GPC website.
    • Process time: two to three weeks.
    • Maximum funding restriction per semester: $7,500
    • MSA is open to providing support for any organizational means; however, we try to prioritize events and on-campus programming open to all students.
    • Process:
      1. Complete the form (pdf version available)
      2. A member of the MSA Internal Affairs will schedule a consultation meeting to review the material and offer support for the process.
      3. Internal Affairs Committee Hearing (attendance recommended)
      4. Full Senate Hearing (attendance recommended)
      5. Funding will be released with the help of our Financial Support Staff.

    If you have any questions, please contact