Transitioning Leadership

Every year, all student organizations hold elections to select the leadership. It is the duty of the outgoing leadership to ensure that the new officers are updated, informed, and prepared to lead the organization.

Click here to access the NEW RSO Officer Transition Guide!

There are several steps outgoing officer should take to help prepare their successors. Below you will find steps you can take to make the transition a smooth one.

After finishing a term in a leadership position, it is important to update the organization’s Engage Portal to reflect the new officer information. Completing the following steps on Engage will allow you to complete this request.

  1. Go to your organizations group page on Engage.
  2. Select “Officers” under “Dashboard” it in the upper left hand corner of the screen.
  3. Select “Add Officer” in the upper right hand corner of the screen.
  4. Add the updated officers, delete old officers, and update positions as needed.
  5. Allow time for your Advisor and the Organization Resource Group to review the request.

Be sure to tell the new leadership team that registration resets over the summer, therefore a new registration request will need to be submitted at the beginning of the new school year, even if nothing has changed.  

To add new officers as administrators on Engage:

  1. Go to your organizations group page on Engage.
  2. Select “Officers” under “Dashboard” it in the upper left hand corner of the screen.
  3. Select “Add Officer” in the upper right hand corner of the screen.
  4. Add the updated officers, delete old officers, and update positions as needed.
  5. All information auto-saves in MU Engage.

Many organizations have group bank accounts that they use throughout the year. If this is true for your organization, it is important to ensure that the new officers know the location of all bank accounts, credit/debit cards, checks, billing/account statements, or other financial documents. There are several things you as an outgoing officer can do:

  1. Provide the EIN number to the Organization Resource Group to enter into your group’s Engage profile. (This is only visible to the ORG office and will not jeopardize your group’s privacy.)
  2. Add any new officer’s names to any bank accounts
  3. Inform your advisor of the location of any bank accounts
  4. Settle any debt you may have incurred.
  5. Ensure your successors are aware of ORG budget deadlines and any previously allocated funds that they have at their disposal.
  6. Remove your name from accounts after the new officers are successfully added.

As we mentioned before, once you completely transition the new officers into their positions, it is important that you manage your notification settings on Engage. This will ensure you no longer receive updates from the ORG Office. Failing to do this will result in you continuing to receive emails, so don’t forget this step. To edit your settings,  click your name in the upper-right hand corner of Engage. A bar will open to the right of your screen, at the bottom of this bar there will be a “settings” button. The default tab is your notification settings. You have several options. You can:

  • Disable Engage Messages from being sent to your email.
  • Disable notification for certain organizations
  • Delete your account permanently.

Choose carefully how you want your settings to change. The first two changes can be changed, however deleting your account should only be done if you truly want to have no further access to Engage, we can’t recover your account.