Fundraising is any income-producing activity, whether or not you make a profit. It can be a great option to provide funding for your student organization. If you’re going to be doing it on campus, however, you must follow these guidelines.
All on-campus fundraising must be approved by the ORG office. An officer from your group should first create an MU Engage event on the organization’s group page. Once that event has been created, Engage will prompt you to submit the Event Planning Form. You should complete this process no less than one week before you want to hold your fundraiser.
The following items should be avoided, as they will likely cause your fundraiser to be denied:
- Selling something already available on campus
- Selling bottled or prepackaged beverages—homemade drinks like lemonade or hot chocolate are acceptable
- Raffles, bingo, or gambling
- Activities that are dangerous or don’t represent the values of your group or the university
Additional information on fundraising policies can be found in the Guidelines for Recognized Student Organizations. If you have any other questions, please contact us.
A few things will require additional approval from other campus departments. The two most common are:
- Bake sales (or anything else involving food)—any time you’re serving food on campus, you must contact the University Sanitarian for a food permit. Open flames (like for a BBQ) require additional approval.
- Using Trademarked Material—if you want to print the University name, logo, or any trademarked images on something you’re selling, you need to obtain approval from the Licensing & Trademarks Office.
Event Planning
The following regulations apply to events held on university property and other locations reserved or controlled by a student organization.
For help planning your event from start to finish, use our Student Group Event Planning Guide.
Events held on campus may reflect the University of Missouri, and therefore should be appropriate for a public institution of higher education. It is our expectation that student organizations and/or sponsoring departments follow all applicable laws and University regulations.
It is the responsibility of the host organization to bear any of the related costs for the event including, but not limited to:
- Additional housekeeping
- Additional materials or equipment
- Damages
- Facility rental
- Grounds services such as additional trash receptacles and pickup, repairs, etc.
- Security
- Utilities
- Noise that interferes with other University activities (such as classes) is prohibited.
- If the event is held in a location where restroom facilities are not available, the sponsoring organization is responsible for providing such facilities.
- The total number of individuals participating in a function held in any University building must not exceed the designated capacity of the facility.
- Any and all facility specific regulations must be followed.
- If more than $500 of University funds is used to pay for a band and/or other type of performer or service, a University contract must be completed.
Student organizations are eligible to reserve space on campus, often free of charge. For more information, please visit
If your organization’s event or fundraiser takes up space on city or campus roads—usually for a 5K or walk/run—you will need to complete the Street Closure Request form.
All street closure requests must now be submitted at least 12 weeks prior to the date of the event. If your organization is planning any event that will require a street closure, we urge you to begin the process as soon as possible to accommodate unexpected delays, as the city will not accept your proposal if it is beyond the deadline.
To begin the street closure process, complete the Street Closure Request Form. Once the request is submitted, it will be reviewed by various campus partners including the Office of Student Organizations, MUPD, MU Business Services, and the City of Columbia.
Things to Keep in Mind
- MUPD will not approve street closures on the days of home football games, so check that schedule before setting a date for your event.
- Only one street closure will be approved for a particular date. Saturdays in the spring time fill up VERY quickly, so begin the process early to ensure you obtain your reservation.
- If your closure is for a fundraiser on campus, you must submit a fundraising request form by creating an event on MU Engage and completing the form afterwards.
- When an event requires a hard closing, your organization must receive approval from MU Reservations and the City of Columbia. Additionally, the organization must complete the city form, for review. This process will take in excess of 8 weeks because your form will be sent to a subcommittee of the city council and then approved by the city council at a regular business meeting.
Student Organizations may not show/exhibit copyrighted materials (movies, music videos etc.) on campus without first receiving the appropriate rights and permissions. Once that is granted, you need to secure the rights to the film. A copy of the screening license must first be given to the Coordinator of Student Organizations a minimum of one week before the event is to occur. Click here to learn more about movie licensing!
Examples of screening protected works may include but are not limited to:
- Showing a film in the lounge of your residence hall or chapter house
- Showing a film as part of an organizational meeting or event
- Having a professor speak about the film does not exempt you
- Public display of copyrighted material
If you have any questions about this policy or about movie licenses, please contact ORG (