Student Group Event Planning Guide
Questions to Ask
Why and What
- Anticipated attendance. This will assist you in choosing the most appropriate space on campus to host your event, since all spaces have different capacities and set-up options.
Confirm the event date you have chosen does not conflict with other major or similar events going on around campus or Columbia. A few places to check:
If you plan to host your event on campus, you generally need to make a reservation. Mizzou uses two reservation systems: 25Live and EMS.
If the event is outside, do you have a rain location or inclement weather location?
Accessibility Tips
Making events accessible to everyone means that all students can join in and enjoy! Plan ahead to ensure accessibility for everyone.
Accessibility Statements
Events should include an accessibility statement placed on printed and digital marketing. An accessibility statement helps people request accommodation(s) when needed and for planners to ensure their event has all accessibility needs before the date of the event. Make sure accessibility statements can be clearly read on webpages, graphics, and other marketing materials.
Sample Accessibility Statements
On Engage, you can also provide any known accessibility barriers (e.g., “We will be providing dairy-free ice cream at the ice cream social.” or “There is no elevator in this location.”)
Choosing a Location
When considering a location for your event, do a walkthrough. This ensures that the venue fits your and the attendees' needs.
Indoor Events
Event Accessiblity Checklists
Entrance and Departure
Accommodation Statement
Event Space Includes...
- Quiet areas
- Fidgets
- Low lighting
Room Set Up
- Specific venues/spaces may claim to be accessible even if they are not.
Volunteers and Training
- ADA policies and procedures.
- Specific accessibility regulations for the event.
- Inform about accommodations.
- Show accessibility features at the event.
- Review ADA resources.
- Emergency procedures.
- Practice scenarios.
- Volunteers can ask this person questions if needed during the event.
- Black and White
- Yellow and Black
- Black and Orange
- Black and Green
- White and Purple
Outdoor Events
Event Accessibility Checklist
Entrance and Departure
Volnteers and Training
- ADA policies and procedures.
- Specific accessibility regulations for the event.
- Inform about accommodations.
- Show accessibility features at the event.
- Review ADA resources.
- Emergency procedures.
- Practice scenarios.
- Volunteers can ask this person questions if needed during the event.
Event Space
- Black and White
- Yellow and Black
- Black and Orange
- Black and Green
- White and Purple
Policy Language
The use, or possession of any alcoholic beverage is prohibited on all University property, except in the President’s residence and the Chancellors’ residences, and the sale, use or possession may, by appropriate University approval be allowed in approved University Alumni Centers or Faculty Clubs or other designated facilities and for single events and reoccurring similar events in designated conference, meeting, or dining facilities provided by University food services, subject to all legal requirements.
Related Forms
Amplified Sound
Policy Language
The use of sound amplification devices in buildings, on campus, or on any site of the University, whether or not the device is owned by the University or under its control, is not allowed unless a permit for the use is obtained or there is an exception provided under this policy. This policy applies to all University pf Missouri employees, students, University affiliates, contractors, and visitors.
Related Forms
Movie/Film/Television/PPV Screenings
Policy Language
- Failure to comply could result in expensive fines, and other negative consequences
- The rental, Purchase or download of a movie, as well as access to a streaming subscription, does not grant the right to exhibit it publicly outside of a home, unless the screening is properly licensed.
What is a public performance?
A movie screening that takes place outside a private home setting.
What does the law say?
Purchasing, renting, or streaming a movie does not grant the right to exhibit it publicly outside the home, unless the screening is properly licensed. Proper licensing is required for all public screenings, regardless of audience size, your nonprofit status, the age of the film, and whether you plan to charge admission.
My screening is for educational purposes, do I still need a license?
Under the “Face-to-Face Teaching Exemption,” copyrighted movies may be exhibited without a license only if the college is an accredited, non-profit institution and the screening meets all the following criteria:
Who can provide me with proper licensing?
Proper licensing is granted by Swank. The organization must reach out to Swank for movie licensing.
Food and Beverage
Policy Language
If you or your organization will be serving food, you will need a Temporary Food Service Operating Permit. Please be aware the permits are only intended for “temporary” food service for a few hours on one specific date. However, if you have an event that takes place over the course of no more than three days in the same location, you can fill out one permit for the entire event. In your event description you must include food service times for each meal. If you intend to establish a more permanent daily food service, you must speak with the MU Sanitarian at 882-7018.
Related Forms
Food Trucks
Policy Language
Any events or activities through which funds are collected by an organization, regardless of whether the organization turns a profit.
Policy Language
Approval Process
High Risk Activity
i.e. Car bash, dunk tank, inflatables, contact sports, etc.
Policy Language
Types of Risk
Related Forms
Live Animals
Policy Language
Non-service/support animals may be permitted on campus grounds. The following responsibilities should be followed:
Open Flames
i.e. BBQ, candlelight vigil, etc.
Policy Language
Related Forms
Outside Assistance from Non-University Entity
Policy Language
- The University shall not be used for commercial or promotional advertising purposes, nor will the name of the University be identified in any way with the aims, policies, programs, products or opinions of any organization or its members; but an exception may be made by the President of the University. When an exception is made, the conditions for using the name will be prescribed.
- A commercial business may contribute assistance for approved student organization events or activities held on or promoted on the campus. A commercial business may not sponsor or co – sponsor activities of student organizations.
- Limitations placed on commercial business involvement: The primary visual or auditory focus of the advertising and promotion for the program or event must be on the approved program or event (i.e., the logo, product or company name of the business must be smaller than the logo or name of the event and/or logo or name of the student organization).
Policy Language
The Organization Resource Group (ORG) recommends student organizations utilizing policing or security activities, assignments, or functions for their events to make arrangements with the University of Missouri-Columbia Police Department (MUPD). It is the responsibility of the host organization to assume any related costs associated with MUPD services. Reservations must be made at least 10 business days before the event date.
Related Forms
Selling Merchandise
i.e. t-shirts, buttons, tumblers, bags, sunglasses, etc.
Policy Language
Recognized student organizations, including Fraternities and Sororities, must use a licensed vendor to order apparel, merchandise and promotional items. Only licensed vendors are allowed to legally reproduce University trademarks (logos, marks, verbiage) on products.
Related Forms
Street Culture
Policy Language
Related Forms
Steps and Resources
Student Affairs Marketing & Communications can help recognized student organizations with graphic design of banners, posters, flyers, handouts, etc. (please allow 4–6 weeks). The team also can consult with you on your digital or print advertising, social media needs, etc.
Types of Risk
Physical Risk
These risks involve harm or injuries to the physical body. Event risk factors may include injuries from physical activity, inclement weather, equipment or materials, food related illnesses, alcohol consumption, dangerous travel conditions, medical emergencies, etc.
Reputational Risk
These risks apply to the reputation of individuals, leaders, the organization, offices/departments, as well as the University as a whole. Event risk may include poor conduct or behavior at an event or an event with offensive subject matter.
Emotional Risk
These risks pertain to the thoughts and feelings of those participating in the program or event. These risks may include hazing, lack of accessibility to the event, discrimination against participants, controversy or disruption of the campus, adverse reactions of participants, or sensitive subject matter.
Financial Risk
Financial risks include both the budget for the specific event and the overall financial health of an organization or group, office/departments, and the university as a whole. These risks may include a lack of cost reduction where possible, poor budgeting, failing to meet fundraising goals, and the opportunity for a lawsuit with financial implications.
- University-affiliated organizations often receive funding to support their activities. These funds must be governed by the students within the recognized group.
- University-affiliated organizations must establish their own bank accounts to handle non-University funds. Specific organizations (i.e. divisional Student Councils, Stripes) that receive a direct allocation of activity fee funds are provided with a chartfield for these University funds. Per directives from the Student Life department, these specific organizations cannot maintain outside bank accounts. All other University-affiliated organizations must deposit their funds in an outside bank account.
Facilities Risk
These risks include both the safety of the facilities used by event participants and the maintenance of the facilities used by participants. These risks may include a lack of proper set-up or clean-up for the event, safety and security issues at your location, a lack of familiarity with the facilities and location or the disruption of university facilities.
Mitigating Risk
Risk Management Planning
Creating an event-specific plan is a great way to account for the types of risks that may be present at certain events. The plan may call for certain protocols (e.g., first aid stations, permits, parking procedures, or security requirements) to help manage potential risk.
Consider adding the following information on an event management plan:
- Objectives should follow the SMART model or a similar approach:
- Specific – Is the wording precise and unambiguous?
- Measurable – How will achievements be measured?
- Action-oriented – Is an action verb used to describe expected accomplishments?
- Realistic – Is the outcome achievable with given available resources?
- Time-sensitive – What is the timeframe?
- Spread the Word. You can plan for every scenario and create all of the risk management processes in the world, but if no one knows about them, they are of no use. Establishing risk management practices for your programming and events is key, but then it is important to train others on those processes. Highlight and prioritize the event risks and brief the people helping coordinate the event.
This is not a narrative on the objectives, but a discussion about where to place emphasis if there are needs to prioritize during the event.
- Known Risks. It may be a sequence of events or order of events to address. Example: Watch out for cars before allowing participants to cross the street Example: Ensure the water has been turned off before powering up the activity
- General Situation Awareness. This may include a weather forecast, environmental conditions, and/or a general safety message like “drink plenty of water.”
- Safe and Proper Clothing. Wearing the proper clothes while coordinating an event can help prevent some injuries. Since various events require different protective clothing, ensuring that you are wearing clothing that is appropriate for the tasks you are performing will go a long way in keeping you safe. Example: wear closed toed shoes, safety vests, etc.
- Incident Briefing 101
- Organization Assignment List
Signed waivers can protect an individual and an organization from financial and legal consequences. These signed waivers can be completed by event attendees prior to participation in events with increased risk.
Confirming insurance or purchasing insurance is one way organizations can manage risk present at programming and events. The types of insurance can run the gamut depending on the type of risk and event, including foreign travel insurance, vehicle insurance, special event liability insurance, and property insurance.
Event Debrief. Shortly after the event, schedule time to reflect on the event experience.
- Stop. Things that didn’t work and should stop or be reimagined at future events.
- Start. Things the organization would like to begin doing for future events.
- Continue. Things that worked during the event and should be included in future events and activities.
Survey attendees
Thank you messages
Budget reconciliation